SPTr-Gas® Analyzer

SPTr-Gas® Analyzer


  • 측정원리 : Photoacoustic(광음향) 기법을 이용한 분석
  • 측정가스 : NH3, C5H10,N2O, CCI3F, CF4, CHF3, SO2, CH3Br외
  • 정확성 : 0.1%FS; 0.1ppm
  • 반응 시간: <20초
  • 워밍업 시간: <15분
  • 분해능: 0.1ppm
  • 직선성 오차: 0.1%FS
  • 제로 교정 : 깨끗한 에어
  • 온도: 5 ~ 45℃
  • 유량: >2.5L/min
  • 디스플레이 값: ppm; mg/m3
  • 출력 시그널 : 4-20mA; RS-232
  • 보호 등급: IP42
  • 작동 온도 : 10℃ ~ 40℃
  • 보관 온도: -10℃ ~ 60℃
  • 에어 압력 : 76kPa ~ 116kPa
  • 습도: 0%RH ~ 90%RH
  • 전원: 198-242VAC, 50/60Hz
  • 크기: 620 x 475 x 201mm(case package포함)
  • 주요특징

  • Professional trace gas measurement less than 5ppm
  • Supports self-calibration by ambient air
  • use acoustic signal for calculating concentration, less interference
  • integrated infrared H2O detector, effective prevent humidity interference
  • integrates pump and automatic valve control up to 3 sample points
  • Equipped with an active carbon filter to prevent air pollution
  • Sampling tube are stainless steel pipe, near to sample point each line has inline dust filter with exchangeable filter-element
  • Effective prevent humidity interference: Integrated infra-red H2O detector for real-time calculation
  • Effective prevent Temp. interference: Photoacoustic module heated to 50℃
  • Effective prevent other gas interference: Calculated with acoustic signal to gas concentration
  • 목록으로