


  • 측정원리 : IMS(이온 이동도), GC -IMS
  • 측정가스 : Sarin (GB), Tabun (GA), Soman (GD), VX,
  •      S-Mustard (HD), N-Mustard (NH-3), Lewisite (L)
  • 정확성 : 1ppb
  • 분해능 : 1ppb
  • 직선성 오차: 0.01%
  • 감도 : Lower ppb range
  • 아날로그 출력 : 4-20mA
  • 워밍업 시간: 20분
  • 작동 온도 : 0℃ ~ 50℃
  • 보관 온도: -0℃ ~ 50℃
  • 전원: 100-240VAC, 50-60Hz(휴대용: 리튬이온 배터리)
  • 주요특징

  • Real-time analysis of Chemical Warfare Agents (CWAs) and other toxic gases
  • High sensitivity in lower ppb-range
  • Superior selectivity and cross sensitivity rejection
  • Enhancement with GC-column coupling (GC-IMS)
  • Analysis directly in situ (no Tedlar bag sampling / no lab analysis)
  • Operation under ambient air pressure
  • Low costs of operation , no consumables, no carrier gas required
  • 적용분야

  • CBRN application
  • Safety and Security
  • Navy vessels
  • Protection equipment of police, fire brigades, civil protection, military
  • Building protection
  • Safety at work
  • Ambient air monitoring
  • Disposal
  • Control of filter systems
  • Laboratory use
  • 목록으로